You wonder what's wrong with you: You wonder if there’s something fundamentally wrong with you.You assume others are disappointed in you: You apologize all the time for what you do or who you are, assuming people are let down by you or that you have somehow made a mistake.You second-guess yourself: You frequently wonder if you accurately remember the details of past events. You may have even stopped trying to share what you remember for fear that it is wrong.You feel inadequate: You feel like you are never "good enough." You try to live up to the expectations and demands of others, even if they are unreasonable.You spend a lot of time apologizing: You feel the need to apologize all the time for what you do or who you are.You have a sense of impending doom: You feel like something terrible is about to happen when you are around this person. This may include feeling threatened and on edge without knowing why.You worry that you are too sensitive: The person minimizes hurtful behaviors or words by saying “I was just joking" or "you need thicker skin.".You feel confused: The behavior of the person gaslighting you confuses you, almost as if they are Dr.You are disappointed in yourself and who you have become: For instance, you feel like you are weak and passive, and that you used to be stronger and more assertive.Sometimes, you even find yourself repeating these statements to yourself. You wonder if you are what they say you are: The person who gaslights you says words make you feel like you are wrong, unintelligent, inadequate, or insane.This makes you feel trapped and isolated. You feel alone and powerless: You are convinced that everyone around you thinks you are "strange," "crazy," or "unstable," just like the person who is gaslighting you says you are.

You also feel on edge and lack self-esteem.

You doubt your feelings and reality: You try to convince yourself that the treatment you receive is not that bad or that you are too sensitive.